Text practice

# title textlength completed age
405 Уроки хладнокровия
Обида, гнев, страх и многие другие эмоц...
6 words 1 4 days ago Go practice
404 Sessiz Gemi
Artık demir almak günü gelmişse zamandan Meçhule giden bir gemi...
17 words 24 24 days ago Go practice
403 Sessiz Gemi
Artık demir almak günü gelmişse zamandan Meçhule giden bir gemi ...
17 words 0 24 days ago Go practice
402 Sessiz Gemi
Sessiz Gemi Artık demir almak günü gelmişse zamandan Meçhule ...
100 words 1 24 days ago Go practice
401 Sessiz Gemi
Sessiz Gemi Artık demir almak günü gelmişse zamandan Meçhule gi...
100 words 0 24 days ago Go practice
400 Уникальное торговое предложение
Если клиент говорит что не будет покуп...
2 words 33 15 novomber Go practice
399 para Fernando y Enrique
hola fer y kike, hemos visto vuestros texto. También somos aficionado...
36 words 5 15 novomber Go practice
Itu adalah kehampaan, kehampaan gelap tak berujung. Segala sesua...
9481 words 0 08 novomber Go practice
397 Робинзон Крузо. Глава одиннадцатая. Робинзон продолжает исследовать остров.
Много раз пытался я сплести себе корзи...
6 words 3 01 novomber Go practice
396 üç kalp
karar ver artık kimi daha çok sevdiğine kararsız olma sen üzme h...
237 words 2 31 october Go practice
395 «Мастер и Маргарита Глава 23. Великий бал у сатаны»
Полночь приближалась, пришлось спешит...
262 words 0 26 october Go practice
394 Отрывки из романа «Евгений Онегин»
«В тот год осенняя погода…» В тот го...
1 words 1 26 october Go practice
393 Отрывок из романа "1984" Джорджа Оруэлла (без знаков препинания).
За что вас арестовали спросил Уинстон...
0 words 4 25 october Go practice
392 Отрывки из романа "Война и мир".
Небо Аустерлица Что это? я падаю! у ме...
32 words 2 22 october Go practice
391 Ссаный чадЦкий
А судьи кто? — За древностию лет к своб...
2 words 8 21 october Go practice
390 Ссаный чадЦкий
А судьи кто? — За древностию лет К сво...
2 words 0 21 october Go practice
389 Ссаный чадЦкий
А судьи кто? — За древностию лет К сво...
2 words 0 21 october Go practice
Republic of the Philippines Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College I...
487 words 0 16 october Go practice
KANTOR VIRTUAL Kantor Virtual atau virtual office adalah sebuah &q...
295 words 54 30 september Go practice
386 Provérbios 29
Quem insiste no erro depois de muita repreensão, será destruído, se...
422 words 3 29 september Go practice
385 wt2
It is true that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider...
296 words 31 19 september Go practice
384 a
Every violin, whether a Stradivarius or the cheapest factory- made cop...
157 words 58 05 september Go practice
mentre il caso si dice che la nostra fortuna vuole dire che noi voi es...
276 words 18 05 september Go practice
382 Hi
Vocabulary Lesson Hello, this is A J and welcome to the vocabulary le...
1093 words 0 02 september Go practice
381 Продавцы
Делая преждевременный и ничем не обос...
9 words 66 28 august Go practice
380 Про водопады
Самый мощный в мире водопад по количес...
3 words 34 28 august Go practice
379 french
D'accord, voici un texte de 300 mots intégrant de nombreux mots conte...
311 words 7 27 august Go practice
378 Водопады
Самый мощный в мире водопад по количес...
0 words 14 20 august Go practice
377 french
Bien sûr ! Voici un texte de 500 mots pour t'aider à améliorer ta d...
547 words 3 19 august Go practice
376 french
D'accord, je vais te donner un aperçu détaillé des droits des conso...
543 words 1 19 august Go practice
375 other
passport photo, state, government, individual, variety, private secto...
85 words 7 17 august Go practice
374 expressions and time
three times, three times per week, a gap year, fulltime, part-time, mi...
17 words 37 17 august Go practice
373 color
blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, ...
11 words 108 17 august Go practice
372 Works and jobs
occupation, profession, designer, decorator, architect, engineer, man...
36 words 8 17 august Go practice
371 Materials
fur, metal, steel, aluminum, copper, rubber, plastic, ceramics, glass...
30 words 14 17 august Go practice
370 The arts and media
Opera , Orchestra , concert , symphony, the press, conductor, vocalis...
24 words 11 17 august Go practice
369 equipment and tools
helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital m...
18 words 7 17 august Go practice
368 Places
local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage, parliament, accomm...
22 words 10 17 august Go practice
367 Weather
humid, hot, sticky, breeze, chilly, cold, cool, dry, dusty, freezing,...
17 words 14 17 august Go practice
366 Vehicles
double-decker bus, single-decker, minibus, school bus, coach, truck, ...
34 words 5 16 august Go practice
365 Transportations
cargo plane, shipment, container ship, boat, lifeboat, ferry, hovercr...
42 words 11 16 august Go practice
364 Measurement
width, length, altitude, imperial system, metric system, Mass, depth,...
14 words 5 16 august Go practice
363 Shapes
Square, rectangular, triangular, polygon, Oval, spherical, spiral, cir...
10 words 15 16 august Go practice
362 sports
cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, american football, hocke...
66 words 7 15 august Go practice
361 hobbies
orienteering, caving, spelunking, archery, ice skating, scuba-diving, ...
24 words 10 15 august Go practice
360 hobbies
orienteering, caving, spelunking, archery, ice skating, scuba-diving, ...
24 words 17 13 august Go practice
359 Adjectives
energetic, social, ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous,...
35 words 4 13 august Go practice
358 Verbs
train, develop, collect, supervise, mark, edit, revise, exhibit, donat...
23 words 9 13 august Go practice
357 Touring
tourist guided tour, ticket office, souvenir, trip, guest, reservation...
22 words 9 13 august Go practice
356 Rating and qualities
reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous, safe, strongly recommended, poor...
17 words 11 13 august Go practice
355 Workplaces
clinic, dentist, reception, appointment, staff selection, colleague, ...
24 words 8 12 august Go practice
354 In the city
cities, street, lane, city centre, central station, car park, departme...
19 words 8 12 august Go practice
353 homes
semi-detached house, duplex, terraced house, town house, row house, b...
43 words 7 11 august Go practice
352 Architecture and buildings
dome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse, pyramid, log cabin, lighthous...
12 words 7 11 august Go practice
351 Languages
linguistics, bilingual, trilingual, polyglot, Portuguese, Mandarin, ...
20 words 5 11 august Go practice
350 Countries
Egypt, Mexico, France, Indonesia, Turkey, England, Germany, China, Gr...
30 words 9 11 august Go practice
349 continents
South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and An...
10 words 7 11 august Go practice
348 plants
mushroom, fungus, leaves, seed, core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flow...
14 words 9 11 august Go practice
347 The animal kingdom:
birds of prey, seabirds, poultry and game, mammals, cetacean, whale, ...
27 words 4 11 august Go practice
346 the environment
greenhouse effect, acid rain, global warming, carbon dioxide, burring...
55 words 10 08 august Go practice
345 Nature
field, footbridge, environment, waterfall, river, mountain, forest, v...
34 words 9 08 august Go practice
344 Health
yoga, tai-chi, keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, outdoor activities, le...
54 words 13 07 august Go practice
343 Marketing
catalogue, interview, newsletter, competition, TV program, strategies,...
35 words 11 06 august Go practice
342 Studying at college/university
course outline, group discussion, handout, written work, report writi...
103 words 11 05 august Go practice
341 Subjects
science, politics, history, biology, architecture, law, geography , ar...
26 words 12 02 august Go practice
340 Money matters2
low-risk investment mortgage budget deficit retail voucher coupon cou...
32 words 10 02 august Go practice
339 Money matters1
cash, debit credit card cheque in advance annual fee monthly membershi...
26 words 4 02 august Go practice
338 Days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, week...
21 words 9 02 august Go practice
337 C1 Vocabulaire version 1
meublé/non meublé avec charges/hors charges maison mitoyenne la caut...
299 words 0 30 july Go practice
336 l'art c'est beau mas il est inutile
Tout d'abord, l'art est un moyen puissant de communication et d'expres...
224 words 3 30 july Go practice
335 Winterferien in den Bergen
Das Magische der Winterzeit ist die friedvolle Stille, die sich mit de...
236 words 11 04 july Go practice
334 hj
Die Natur ist ein unermesslicher Schatz, der uns tagtäglich mit seine...
146 words 8 25 june Go practice
333 the ship
The ship's 1,000 beds will treat non-coronavirus patients, including...
570 words 12 20 june Go practice
332 palm beach
PALM BEACH: US President Donald Trump said on Friday he had made progr...
171 words 26 20 june Go practice
Fixed-step Specialized Power Systems Derivative 2pi Breaker ...
15 words 19 08 june Go practice
Fixed-step Specialized Power Systems Derivative 2pi Breaker Math ...
15 words 5 08 june Go practice
329 Essay
In schools, students learn to analyse literature, calculate using trig...
303 words 85 02 june Go practice
328 test
Il rapido brown fox salta sopra il cane pigro. Questo è un classico e...
171 words 5 28 may Go practice
327 texto 3
pêssego bênção mastro língua cápsula sinuoso fátima sótão sé...
1968 words 0 23 may Go practice
326 texto 3
pêssego bênção mastro língua cápsula sinuoso fátima sótão sé...
2102 words 0 23 may Go practice
325 Iran President death
1 words 0 22 may Go practice
324 Iran President death
1 words 0 22 may Go practice
323 That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
PROLOGUE: DEATH AND REINCARNATION It was just your typical kind of l...
11923 words 0 20 may Go practice
322 Segunda Guerra Mundial
A Segunda Guerra Mundial foi um conflito armado que teve início em 1...
1642 words 0 17 may Go practice
321 texto 2
Friedrich Nietzsche foi um filósofo alemão do século XIX conhecido ...
409 words 4 17 may Go practice
320 Random pikabu post
Стоит начать с самого начала. Мне всег...
3 words 20 16 may Go practice
319 texto1.0
expansão expectativa experiência experiente experimentar expirar exp...
729 words 7 12 may Go practice
pada suatu hari di rumah kongkiaw seorang pemuda dengan bernama rizky ...
48 words 242 06 may Go practice
317 bavetstory
kodok mengocok di balik tembok sama tejok sambil jongkok kontol kodok ...
139 words 32 06 may Go practice
316 tuktukabongtengah
martong mucharobin melihat tezok sedang mengocok ngocok punya kodok di...
249 words 7 06 may Go practice
315 treinar z , x p w
zezo, xícara , pernilongo , wall Mart , zeca , xitado , patrick , whi...
192 words 0 18 april Go practice
314 foco voce tambem consegue
comecei tem uma semana e já consigo escrever de forma suscinta, recom...
205 words 19 18 april Go practice
313 Buracos Negros
Pela primeira vez na história, astrônomos conseguiram fotografar um ...
1380 words 2 05 april Go practice
312 Buracos Negros
Pela primeira vez na história, astrônomos conseguiram fotografar um ...
678 words 1 05 april Go practice
311 AlphaCoffe
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i ...
520 words 33 04 april Go practice
310 test
Anthoni Guilherme Queiroz Gomes Anthoni Guilherme Queiroz Gomes Anthon...
240 words 7 31 march Go practice
309 test
anthoni guilherme queiroz gomes anthoni guilherme queiroz gomes anthon...
273 words 4 31 march Go practice
308 test
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i...
182 words 115 30 march Go practice
307 test
anthoni guilherme queiroz gomes anthoni guilherme queiroz gomes anthon...
44 words 5 30 march Go practice
306 Potongan Artikel Tentang Pendidikan
Dalam rangka memperkuat tali persaudaraan dan semangat kebersamaan m...
61 words 145 29 march Go practice
305 Potongan Artikel Tentang Pendidikan
Dalam rangka memperkuat tali persaudaraan dan semangat kebersamaan ma...
61 words 26 29 march Go practice
304 Khai báo, nhập và xuất mảng trong c++
int n; cin >> n; int a[n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ...
41 words 6 25 march Go practice
303 python nhap ngay kt thu
import calendar tup_day="Hai",'Ba',"Tư",'Năm'...
83 words 1 21 march Go practice
302 python nhap ngay kt thu
import calendar tup_day="Hai",'Ba',"Tư",'Năm',&...
83 words 0 21 march Go practice
dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane hexamethylenediamines hydroxypropylmeth...
15 words 12 20 march Go practice
300 Love Is An Open Door
Okay, can I just say something crazy? I love crazy! All my life has ...
218 words 8 19 march Go practice
299 dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane
1 words 0 17 march Go practice
ethylenediamine hexamethylenediamine pseudopseudohypoparathyroidies di...
15 words 22 16 march Go practice
297 1
“Indah sekali tempat ini, siapakah yang menbuatnya?” guman Putri G...
127 words 67 23 february Go practice
296 1
Pada jaman dahulu ada sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat yang dipimpin oleh...
134 words 100 23 february Go practice
295 1
Di dalam hutan Redwood yang megah dan tua, ada kisah tentang pohon yan...
245 words 39 23 february Go practice
294 1
Di masa Wild West yang penuh petualangan, ada kisah tentang balap kuda...
211 words 21 23 february Go practice
293 1
Di sepanjang Sungai Mississippi yang megah, ada legenda tentang petual...
220 words 21 23 february Go practice
292 1
Di pedalaman Kentucky, ada kisah tentang seorang tukang kayu yang mahi...
230 words 20 23 february Go practice
291 1
Di Chinatown San Francisco, ada kisah tentang makhluk mengerikan berna...
173 words 24 23 february Go practice
290 1
Di tengah Pegunungan Appalachian yang megah, terdapat sebuah cerita ci...
454 words 13 23 february Go practice
289 1
Di kawasan Pasifik Barat Laut, ada mitos tentang makhluk perkasa berna...
226 words 27 23 february Go practice
288 1
Tidak hanya orang tuanya, tapi seisi desa menangisi anak perempuan yan...
130 words 31 23 february Go practice
287 1
Pada zaman dahulu kala, hiduplah satu keluarga di desa suku Achote. Ke...
99 words 33 23 february Go practice
286 1
1. Marginalisasi Konsep Berkelanjutan Keberlanjutan berisiko dan menj...
235 words 5 23 february Go practice
285 что
Солнце пригрело. Побежал ручьи. Прилет...
3 words 10 19 february Go practice
284 bahasa
Setiap langkah kecil membawa kita lebih dekat pada impian besar Kegigi...
90 words 692 1 years Go practice
283 write with close eyes
i like eat bananas and drink water i like eat bananas and drink water
14 words 689 1 years Go practice
282 Türkçe
bulut bir gün roblox oynarken kafayı yer ve babası ona güzel aktiv...
38 words 125 1 years Go practice
281 Türkçe
1 words 0 1 years Go practice
280 binatang
Di sebuah hutan yang subur hiduplah seekor kura-kura bernama Kiki Kiki...
197 words 119 1 years Go practice
279 menget
Rasa rasanya diri ini telah merasa cukup sering berterima kasih untuk ...
190 words 91 1 years Go practice
278 Хрень
0 words 75 1 years Go practice
277 Ita_workout
dio ritornata gli aspettavo tra consideri lo vertigine so sottrarre ho...
336 words 7 1 years Go practice
276 это раша мать вашу
В темном лесу, где деревья были высоки...
4 words 70 1 years Go practice
275 ru
В преоктябрьский вечер, амбиентное по...
0 words 19 1 years Go practice
274 РУ
В преоктябрьский вечер, амбиентное по...
0 words 18 1 years Go practice
273 ANE
1 words 0 1 years Go practice
272 Ane
ku ingin nikahi kamu jadi kan kau istri ku ku ingin kau jadi ibu dari ...
39 words 87 1 years Go practice
271 yang keras mariiii
Jika pada Saat ini Aku ingin engkau Bapak mu Merokok di Dalam kamar Ma...
17 words 59 1 years Go practice
270 sad
yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang yang ...
87 words 41 1 years Go practice
269 s
yang terbaik
2 words 46 1 years Go practice
268 yyy
aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku aku...
138 words 9 1 years Go practice
267 dadas
yang kemarin yang kemarin yang kemarin yang kemarin yang kemarin yang ...
132 words 8 1 years Go practice
266 1234
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
265 123
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
264 132
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
263 capho 1
1 words 0 1 years Go practice
ada mana ada emang gada tidak ada suka
8 words 39 1 years Go practice
261 nanda
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
260 ру
Привет, Игорь! Я был рад получить от те...
1 words 21 1 years Go practice
259 The Environment
In our modern world, there are many factors that place the wellbeing o...
310 words 28 1 years Go practice
258 2
Планы на будущее В этом году осуществи...
0 words 20 1 years Go practice
257 3
Планы на будущее В этом году осуществ...
0 words 6 1 years Go practice
256 2
First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride...
95 words 21 1 years Go practice
255 1
First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride...
95 words 22 1 years Go practice
254 1
My Wonderful Family I live in a house near the mountains. I have two ...
146 words 24 1 years Go practice
253 1
У меня большая семья из шести человек: ...
0 words 17 1 years Go practice
252 № 1-2. О.Генри "Дары волхвов" и "Последний лист"
Иногда отчаянье приходит к людям, кото...
0 words 11 1 years Go practice
251 № 1-2. О.Генри "Дары волхвов" и "Последний лист"
Иногда отчаянье приходит к людям, кото...
0 words 5 1 years Go practice
250 тест
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
249 Francis Ngannou
Francis Ngannou, né le 5 septembre 1986 à Batié (Cameroun), est un ...
156 words 10 1 years Go practice
Gran Turismo[a] adalah sebuah film drama olahraga biografi Amerika Ser...
276 words 4 1 years Go practice
247 Concurso
En el fuero Penal, la Cámara en lo Penal y Correccional resulta compe...
265 words 4 1 years Go practice
Şahısların eceli olduğu gibi, milletlerin, ümmetlerin de eceli va...
67 words 34 1 years Go practice
245 16 turu ilk yarışma
1956 senesi Kısıklı'da ders okutuyorlardı. Efendi hazretlerinin ş...
69 words 34 1 years Go practice
244 Çeyrek Final 2
Benim gözümde, bu topluluğun gözünde, piranımızın gözünde ma...
55 words 50 1 years Go practice
243 Yarı Final
Allah’a, Resulüne ve emir sahiplerine itaat iki şekilde olur. Za...
48 words 6 1 years Go practice
242 Çeyrek Final
Hasta ve rahatsız olduğu zamanlarda dahili dersten taviz vermez, ge...
36 words 14 1 years Go practice
241 Yarışma
1956 senesi Kısıklı’da ders okutuyorlardı. Efendi hazretleri...
69 words 18 1 years Go practice
240 fer
hola fernando hola así como estás fer me llamo kike soy qué hola f...
31 words 4 1 years Go practice
239 enrrique
tienes que aprobar este texto porque te lo mando muy fácil y aparte e...
24 words 9 1 years Go practice
238 enrrique
tienes que aprobar este texto porque te lo mando muy fácil y aparte e...
24 words 3 1 years Go practice
237 para fernando
fernando intenta terminar este texto y también superarme en fast fing...
34 words 15 1 years Go practice
236 hahahihi
apa yang akan dilakukan itu sudah tidak menjadi persoalan yang tidak i...
17 words 176 1 years Go practice
235 bruhe
402 words 1 1 years Go practice
234 the worst racer
you are the worst racer in the world i am better prove me wrong on nit...
27 words 100 1 years Go practice
233 Cảnh ngày xuân
Ngày xuân con én đưa thoi, Thiều quang chín chục đã ngoà...
186 words 8 1 years Go practice
232 Đoạn trích Bài học đường đời đầu tiên được trích trong chương I, trong tập truyện Dế Mèn phiêu lưu ký của nhà văn Tô Hoài.
Bởi tôi ăn uống điều độ và làm việc có chừng mực ...
2975 words 0 1 years Go practice
231 Đoạn trích Bài học đường đời đầu tiên được trích trong chương I, trong tập truyện Dế Mèn phiêu lưu ký của nhà văn Tô Hoài.
Bởi tôi ăn uống điều độ và làm việc có chừng mực ...
2975 words 2 1 years Go practice
230 The best racer
you are a good typist. if you made it this far you are the best. keep...
58 words 38 1 years Go practice
229 Pale blue dot - Carl Sagan
Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it eve...
117 words 46 1 years Go practice
228 for me
Бывают ночи только лягу в Самару поплы...
0 words 27 1 years Go practice
227 for me
Бывают ночи: только лягу, в Самару поп...
0 words 1 1 years Go practice
226 apf23
нету рядом женской особи моей светлов...
3 words 3 1 years Go practice
225 afps
Нету рядом женской особи моей светлов...
3 words 0 1 years Go practice
224 Deserve - Noah Urrea
Never tho we get here, never tho i'll be the one break your heart. It ...
142 words 40 1 years Go practice
223 SOl
Quando o sol se põe no fim da tarde, vagalumes só piscam sem cessar....
40 words 19 1 years Go practice
222 Cerpen singkat
Hari ini aku merasa jengkel. Bagaimana tidak, dari pagi saat hendak be...
155 words 65 1 years Go practice
221 Gọi Em Trong Mưa
Đi về đâu hỡi em Lối xa trong màn đêm Anh nhớ thương...
258 words 2 1 years Go practice
220 teks tes mengetik bahasa indonesia by daasrn
pada pagi yang cerah ini matahari bersinar terang di langit biru angin...
138 words 236 1 years Go practice
219 A To Z Word One Line
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
9 words 128 1 years Go practice
218 teks bahasa indonesia
Di tengah hutan yang lebat, sekelompok anak-anak bermain dengan penuh ...
275 words 48 1 years Go practice
217 Provérbios 19
Melhor é o pobre que vive com integridade do que o tolo que fala perv...
470 words 5 1 years Go practice
216 Salmos 42 (NVI)
Como a corça anseia por águas correntes, a minha alma anseia por ti,...
297 words 5 1 years Go practice
215 This text is for krp don't read it please
я иду я поднял ствол аксу на уровень лб...
0 words 51 1 years Go practice
214 This text is for krp don't read it please
я иду я поднял ствол аксу на уровень лб...
0 words 23 1 years Go practice
213 Provérbios 16
As pessoas podem fazer seus planos, porém é o SENHOR Deus quem dá a...
534 words 1 1 years Go practice
212 Provérbios 16
As pessoas podem fazer seus planos, porém é o SENHOR Deus quem dá a...
534 words 0 1 years Go practice
211 Salmos 27
O Senhor é a minha luz e a minha salvação; de quem terei temor? O S...
299 words 2 1 years Go practice
210 Regulus Corneas
It can’tbecan’tbecan’tbe. What the hell is this, I don’t get i...
1318 words 4 1 years Go practice
209 Test Typing MI Insan Mulia 3
ada aji dan abi tua esa aib aku apa api air ayu bak bus ban bor bom be...
78 words 29 1 years Go practice
208 Text Practise _ 2
Baseball became popular in Japan after American soldiers introduced it...
74 words 115 1 years Go practice
207 Text Practise _ 1
Each year fewer people speak English as their mother tongue - but more...
102 words 92 1 years Go practice
206 Keywords in Python programming language 2
from name import name import import import import , , , import , def ...
23 words 27 1 years Go practice
205 Keywords in Python programming language
'False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'con...
33 words 5 1 years Go practice
204 Как тебя покорить? - Перемотка
Как тебя покорить? Как тебя покорить? ...
1 words 1 1 years Go practice
203 psycho dreams
Обещать Sweet Dreams не надо Мой рассудок вс...
7 words 3 1 years Go practice
202 psycho dreams
Обещать Sweet Dreams не надо Мой рассудок в...
7 words 0 1 years Go practice
201 psycho dreams
Обещать Sweet Dreams не надо Мой рассудок в...
7 words 0 1 years Go practice
200 тачаре
На недельку до второго я уеду в Комаро...
0 words 30 1 years Go practice
199 Chuyện rằng -Thịnh Suy
Khi đêm về ôm chặt em Oh, I'm just a boy Chẳng thể là qu...
222 words 0 1 years Go practice
198 hhhjmhjm
la ley del juez hace daño y voto un Pago de una tasa en 120 pero eran...
69 words 15 1 years Go practice
197 cool
wooooho yaaaaaaaa les goooooo wooooo ! uhu woooooo
7 words 73 1 years Go practice
196 mano derecha
Un hombre joven, ni muy alto ni muy bajo, pasea por la playa con su tr...
80 words 45 1 years Go practice
195 Badtrip (lyric)-MCK
lại rót thêm cốc bia nhưng mà lười cạn thành công tao ...
998 words 2 1 years Go practice
194 Chẳng thể tìm được em (lyric)-PhúcXp
anh dừng chân ngước nhìn trời cao ngàn muôn ánh sao để ...
567 words 11 1 years Go practice
193 Nợ ai đó lời xin lỗi (lyric)-Bozitt
đã hứa sẽ bên nhau cớ sao nay lại ra đi đã ở bên anh ...
585 words 12 1 years Go practice
192 Nợ ai đó lời xin lỗi (lyric)-Bozitt
đã hứa sẽ bên nhau cớ sao nay lại ra đi đã ở bên anh...
585 words 1 1 years Go practice
191 Nợ ai đó lời xin lỗi (lyric)-Bozitt
Đã hứa sẽ bên nhau cớ sao nay lại ra đi Đã ở bên anh...
585 words 0 1 years Go practice
190 cool
I am new and very bad at typing.
8 words 354 1 years Go practice
189 cool
I am new and very bad at typing.
8 words 57 1 years Go practice
188 Mecanografía
La mecanografía es una habilidad importante en la era digital actual....
98 words 19 1 years Go practice
187 practicar 75 palabras
La caligrafía es un arte antiguo que consiste en escribir de forma es...
93 words 12 1 years Go practice
186 nghị luận về sách
Mỗi sự vật tồn tại trên đời đều có ý nghĩa riêng ...
1505 words 5 1 years Go practice
185 Текст
1. Казалось, что кто-то тихо вздыхал сре...
13 words 3 1 years Go practice
184 Что такое внушение?
Вопрос, о том , что такое внушение, есть...
0 words 53 1 years Go practice
183 ngontol
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
0 words 5 1 years Go practice
182 ngontolodon
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
181 Sư phụ tôi là thần tiên.
Chủ nhật, công viên sinh thái thành phố Cố Đô! Dương ...
2601 words 0 1 years Go practice
180 italian
Gli amici veri sono preziosi e irrinunciabili nella vita di ognuno. So...
31 words 103 1 years Go practice
179 italiano
Parliamo dell'importanza della lettura nella vita di una persona. Legg...
101 words 26 1 years Go practice
178 Oui
1 words 0 1 years Go practice
177 Rien
0 words 0 1 years Go practice
176 Français
les chats sont les meilleurs vraiment non c'est une blague c'est les c...
36 words 84 1 years Go practice
175 đừng lo nhé có anh đây
Trái tim anh đây chỉ có chân tình Vì ở em anh đâu cần ...
178 words 18 1 years Go practice
174 Sinh học
hô hấp tế bào bao gồm các phản ứng hóa học với sự ...
141 words 41 1 years Go practice
173 Бытие, материя
Мы лишь действуем по тому алгоритму, к...
1 words 98 1 years Go practice
172 1807 caracteres
O Tango nasceu nos fins do século XIX derivado das misturas entre as ...
319 words 5 1 years Go practice
171 ллджлдл
привет всем меня зовут мяу
0 words 290 1 years Go practice
170 a (simplificado)
Albaricoque barco cartón dopar espero fuño gruñir hijo iguana Javie...
35 words 71 1 years Go practice
169 Алекс
На данный момент Алекс успел освоится ...
2 words 41 1 years Go practice
168 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб я выстрелил 3...
0 words 189 1 years Go practice
167 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб я выстрелил 3 ...
0 words 16 1 years Go practice
166 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб
0 words 27 1 years Go practice
165 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб выстрелил 3 п...
0 words 8 1 years Go practice
164 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб я выстрелил 3 ...
0 words 4 1 years Go practice
163 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб я выстрелил ...
0 words 6 1 years Go practice
162 xdxd krp
я прицелился врагу в лоб я выстрелил ...
0 words 17 1 years Go practice
161 This text is for krp don't read it please
я вижу врага спереди я прицелился вра...
0 words 8 1 years Go practice
160 Bilangan
satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh delapan sembilan sepuluh sebelas d...
89 words 71 1 years Go practice
159 Стоицизм
Еще одна метафора стоиков, на этот раз ...
0 words 5 1 years Go practice
158 Стоицизм
Еще одна метафора стоиков, на этот раз ...
0 words 6 1 years Go practice
157 sembarangan
Semua teks yang ada di sini adalah sembarang saja, jangan terlalu seri...
65 words 149 1 years Go practice
156 Великий тест...
Рентгеноцераптор слонопотослонопота...
0 words 58 1 years Go practice
155 frases famosas de filósofos
Aquilo que se faz por amor está sempre além do bem e do mal.Friedric...
161 words 15 2 years Go practice
154 Era vicking
Os povos Vikings, que habitaram a Escandinávia (atual Noruega, Suéci...
163 words 10 2 years Go practice
153 Наша таня громко плачет
Наша Таня громко плачет: Уронила в реч...
1 words 37 2 years Go practice
152 GAS
OLZ7183UT KSN7492MA INE5392OR YXE5201IN HAP8396TX YQM37...
40 words 0 2 years Go practice
151 no me mires
no me mires que nos miran nos miran que nos miramos miremos que no nos...
33 words 135 2 years Go practice
150 ifjzoifjzofkafkz
bonjour je mappelle tom et toi tu tappelle comment
9 words 202 2 years Go practice
149 a
Albaricoque Barco Cartón Dopar Espero Fuño Gruñir Hijo Iguana Javie...
35 words 24 2 years Go practice
148 a
1 words 0 2 years Go practice
147 Bunu ben, bunu sen, şunu ben, onu sen Gülü ben, günü sen, fenomen olacak dolacak her yer Menemen kıvamı balçık gelemem Elemem dostumu göremezsem Düşma
Bunu ben, bunu sen, şunu ben, onu sen Gülü ben, günü sen, fenome...
180 words 8 2 years Go practice
146 123 тест
Научный стиль – это одна из разновидн...
7 words 0 2 years Go practice
145 Sourabh
What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the prin...
507 words 13 2 years Go practice
144 indonesia
terik matahari tanpa ampun menghujam kulit hitam itu menyentuhnya dan ...
116 words 215 2 years Go practice
143 ba lên si gà rô
vinh đẹp trai đẹp trai đẹp trai trai đẹp bị lừa à cu ...
22 words 25 2 years Go practice
142 гг, тебе пизда
низкопоклонничание односеменодольны...
2 words 0 2 years Go practice
141 гг, тебе пизда
привет пока
0 words 0 2 years Go practice
140 sách
Khi bạn đến một số lượng sách nhất định nào đó, b...
605 words 53 2 years Go practice
139 quan hệ vô ích
Bạn không cần phải “hòa mình” vào với mọi người, ...
293 words 61 2 years Go practice
138 Nghèo
1. Nghèo không trách cha: Đạo làm con cần biết Người x...
1391 words 8 2 years Go practice
137 3 độ
Thật ra, ngoại hình đẹp cũng giống như một bông hoa, đ...
646 words 19 2 years Go practice
136 học làm người
1. Làm người, tiền bạc ít một chút cũng được, nhưng ...
667 words 9 2 years Go practice
135 hiểu biết thế giới
Các nhà khoa học Nhật Bản phát hiện ra cách dùng giun đ...
549 words 39 2 years Go practice
134 kinh nghiệm 1.2
Nhằm giúp công nhân làm việc dễ chịu hơn, một công ty ...
532 words 15 2 years Go practice
133 Biểu hiện tuổi trẻ
Những đứa trẻ lúc nhỏ biểu hiện ngoan ngoãn hiểu chuy...
1246 words 8 2 years Go practice
132 Cách thoát nghèo
Khoa Pug hiện là triệu phú đô la đất Mỹ, làm giàu từ ...
941 words 12 2 years Go practice
131 Practice Primary 3 - 200 words
mother on together dad look by family fighting try me top upcoming new...
204 words 53 2 years Go practice
130 Việc lớn
Còn nhớ cách đây không lâu, bên lề phiên tòa xét xử v...
2078 words 3 2 years Go practice
129 khoảng khắc bắt đầu
1. Chúng ta nghèo không phải do số phận , mà chúng ta chưa...
801 words 6 2 years Go practice
128 Khắc cốt ghi tâm
Không chờ rảnh mới làm, mà làm để rảnh hơn. Không ch...
190 words 24 2 years Go practice
127 Cuộc đời vạn biến
Cuộc đời vạn biến, bằng cách này hay cách khác, sẽ lu...
891 words 9 2 years Go practice
126 giả ngốc
1. Thà giả ngốc một chút chứ đừng tự cho mình thông m...
1416 words 4 2 years Go practice
125 kinh doanh
Ở tuổi 19 đang tuổi ăn tuổi lớn tuổi chơi làm chi cho ...
625 words 6 2 years Go practice
124 cơ hội
Khi đứng trước những cơ hội hay sự lựa chọn, phần ...
162 words 34 2 years Go practice
123 bài học
Nếu bạn đặt 1 quả đào hư thối vào cạnh những quả ...
459 words 10 2 years Go practice
122 Tri thưc trẻ
6. Bạn có thể làm bất cứ việc gì - miễn là việc đó...
1080 words 6 2 years Go practice
121 khiêm nhường
Tỏ ra khiêm nhường, lắng nghe ý kiến của người khác ...
219 words 32 2 years Go practice
120 Thái độ quyết định thức bậc của cá nhân trong xã hội, chứ không phải tài năng thiên bẩm
Có một ông chủ đã viết câu nói này cho tôi ở phần cu...
161 words 16 2 years Go practice
119 Kiên định sắt đá duy trì sự lạc quan
Cuộc sống của chúng ta không thiếu những lúc không như ...
213 words 17 2 years Go practice
118 kinh nghiệm 1.1
Mỗi buổi sáng phải nhắc nhở bản thân, bạn chính là n...
156 words 20 2 years Go practice
117 Tujuh Belas
Masihkah kau mengingat di saat kita masih 17? Waktu di mana tanggal-t...
142 words 10 2 years Go practice
116 kinh nghiệm 3
Lúc nãy tôi có nói nhờ làm ở nhiều mảng khác nhau nên ...
654 words 12 2 years Go practice
115 kinh nghiệm 2
Tôi đã nghĩ sau ngần ấy thời gian và công sức, cái đ...
169 words 10 2 years Go practice
114 kinh nghiệm
Như bao người trẻ khác, tôi cũng ôm giấc mộng lập nghi...
221 words 14 2 years Go practice
Cách đây khoảng chục năm, Tony đi công tác ở Anh, ông kh...
2465 words 3 2 years Go practice
112 Sách
Người không có mục tiêu, lại còn bận, sẽ rất dễ rơ...
233 words 11 2 years Go practice
111 1. Góc nhìn "Thượng Đế"
Nhắc đến góc nhìn này, CEO Fu Sheng của Cheetah Mobile t...
547 words 5 2 years Go practice
1. Thời đại tên lửa bay lên rồi còn chúi mõm xuống đ...
320 words 6 2 years Go practice
109 Primary 2 (F2) - PPS
once upon a time a princess named snow white lived in a castle with he...
70 words 173 2 years Go practice
108 Primary 3 (F2) - PPS
one day a fox became very hungry as he went to search for some food he...
106 words 87 2 years Go practice
107 Primary 3 (F2) - PPS
one day a fox became very hungry as he went to search for some food he...
107 words 64 2 years Go practice
106 giới giàu
NGƯỜI GIÀU NGHĨ GÌ? Người giàu nghĩ gì? Trong đầu nh...
420 words 6 2 years Go practice
105 Tối giản thông thái
Từ ngày đọc cuốn này mình đỡ mua đồ linh tinh hoặc ...
347 words 5 2 years Go practice
104 Tâm lý học
Con người chúng ta thường để bị đánh lừa bởi bộ n...
486 words 10 2 years Go practice
103 bài đọc hay
Con người ra sao sau khi chết và giữa các kiếp sống? The...
796 words 4 2 years Go practice
102 sách
Từ ngày đọc cuốn này mình đỡ mua đồ linh tinh hoặc ...
347 words 9 2 years Go practice
101 nhân tướng học
Các nhà tâm lý học chỉ ra rằng: Dáng đi là thứ mà mộ...
1738 words 2 2 years Go practice
100 lợi ích của đọc sách
Chuyện kể rằng, tại một ngôi chùa trên núi, có một v...
652 words 6 2 years Go practice
99 Ielts
502 words 2 2 years Go practice
98 Tại sao phải cố gắng
TẠI SAO BẠN CẦN CHĂM CHỈ? Trong cái khó, ló cái khôn! ...
405 words 4 2 years Go practice
97 P1 PPS F2
a computer monitor looks like a television the monitor shows whatever ...
51 words 125 2 years Go practice
1. Đừng có cái gì cũng nghĩ cho người khác. Thử hỏi kh...
419 words 8 2 years Go practice
95 cơ hội cho ai
Trong buổi lễ công bố phát sóng vào ngày 25/08 vừa qua, S...
340 words 7 2 years Go practice
94 van mau
Không giống với nhiều nhà thơ khác cùng thời khi giấu ...
295 words 8 2 years Go practice
93 Practice Primary 1 PPS
A computer monitor looks like a television. The monitor shows whatev...
51 words 72 2 years Go practice
92 Practice Primary 1 PPS
A computer monitor looks like a television. The monitor shows whateve...
51 words 22 2 years Go practice
91 DAY 1 : Exercise 1
asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj asdf ;lkj ...
206 words 107 2 years Go practice
90 Adjectives
1. Opinion: amazing, fantastic, brilliant, wonderful, horrible, awful,...
91 words 53 2 years Go practice
89 Adjectives in sentences
The woman is reading a fascinating book. The young woman is reading a ...
100 words 93 2 years Go practice
88 Describe a photo
1. This picture is of a traffic jam in a large city. The cars are park...
219 words 41 2 years Go practice
87 Employers should give longer holidays to employees to encourage them to do their job well. Do you agree?
I agree that employers should offer longer holidays to increase produc...
111 words 94 2 years Go practice
86 Who should be responsible to care for the elderly? Should it be the family or the government?
Caring for our elderly relatives is an important job and, these days, ...
102 words 70 2 years Go practice
85 Many teachers believe that homework contributes greatly to a student’s academic success. Do you agree with this point of view?
Thinking back to my experience with homework, I remember thinking that...
71 words 58 2 years Go practice
84 Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be free for everyone irrespective of personal wealth. Do you agree or disagree?
I absolutely agree with the statement that education is a basic human ...
92 words 60 2 years Go practice
83 Men and women can never share the same responsibilities at home. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
I disagree with that statement because men and women both need to know...
98 words 37 2 years Go practice
82 Beauty
For me, beauty is two things; personality and appearance. A physically...
125 words 77 2 years Go practice
81 talent and hard work lead to success
I agree with both statements that talent and hard work lead to success...
89 words 97 2 years Go practice
80 Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of differe...
158 words 47 2 years Go practice
79 In general, people are living longer today. Discuss some of the implications of this phenomenon.
In general, people are living longer today. Discuss some of the implic...
119 words 24 2 years Go practice
78 Some students prefer to play computer games rather than sports. Why is this?
Some students prefer to play computer games rather than sports. Why i...
108 words 15 2 years Go practice
77 More and more people from wealthy countries are doing unpaid work in poor countries, such as teaching, building houses, etc. Who gets more benefit, th
More and more people from wealthy countries are doing unpaid work in p...
152 words 19 2 years Go practice
76 Do you think parents should be held responsible for the trouble their children cause at the school or in public? Why or why not?
Do you think parents should be held responsible for the trouble their...
183 words 27 2 years Go practice
75 Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. What are some reasons why people visit museums?
Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. What are som...
162 words 13 2 years Go practice
74 If you have children, What would you do differently from your parents while bringing them up.
If you have children, What would you do differently from your parents ...
112 words 17 2 years Go practice
73 Why some friendships last longer than others? Give your opinion
Why some friendships last longer than others? Give your opinion. Frie...
169 words 16 2 years Go practice
72 What is the importance of cars and airplanes in modern life? Explain
I would say that life is unimaginable without the fast modes of transp...
120 words 18 2 years Go practice
71 What was the time when someone was treated unfairly? What happened?
What was the time when someone was treated unfairly? What happened? I...
144 words 14 2 years Go practice
70 Duolingo test practice
Around the world, life expectancy is increasing, which has both positi...
469 words 21 2 years Go practice
69 Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam
Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam được thành lập ngày 3-2-1930. ...
82 words 59 2 years Go practice
68 mamadou sene
ma maison se trouve dans mon village
7 words 90 2 years Go practice
67 mamadou sene
mamadou sene sénégalais élève en classe de première
12 words 3 2 years Go practice
66 Good Health
Good health is a boon to your body. It helps you physically and mental...
112 words 187 2 years Go practice
65 soliq
Soliqning kelib chiqishi davlatning paydo boʻlishi bilan chambarchas ...
283 words 1 2 years Go practice
64 Bahasa
Bonus demografi menjadi faktor utama pemerintah bisa mengandalkan kons...
219 words 64 2 years Go practice
63 Ориентирование в лесу
В литературе имеются рекомендации к о...
9 words 16 2 years Go practice
62 яой 0_0
Желая побыть вдали от городской суеты ...
5 words 44 2 years Go practice
61 positivity
Sometimes, life will kick you around, but sooner or later, you realize...
29 words 342 2 years Go practice
60 The bogey-beast
There was once a woman who was very, very cheerful, though she had lit...
1010 words 13 2 years Go practice
59 data analysis
Fraud that involves cell phones, insurance claims, tax return claims, ...
186 words 56 2 years Go practice
58 text
Надо уважать всякого человека, какой б...
4 words 12 2 years Go practice
57 Russian
Надо уважать всякого человека, какой б...
2 words 57 2 years Go practice
56 Titus
But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Older men are ...
264 words 41 2 years Go practice
55 Mars (wikipedea)
Der Mars ist, von der Sonne aus gezählt, der vierte Planet im Sonnens...
291 words 3 2 years Go practice
2051 words 1 2 years Go practice
53 Çok aşık olan Kerem
Sevmiş Aslıyı Kerem Aslı vermemiş bir kerem Aşkından verem olmu...
23 words 34 2 years Go practice
52 Çok aşık olan Kerem
Sevmiş Aslıyı Kerem Aslı vermemiş bir kerem Aşkından verem ol...
23 words 12 2 years Go practice
51 bcvx
bạc nhạc bàn bạc bảnh bao bát ngát bần th...
372 words 0 2 years Go practice
50 cxvb
bạc nhạc bàn bạc bảnh bao bát ngát bần thần bâng ...
372 words 0 2 years Go practice
49 Le lièvre et la torture - Jean de la Fontaine
Rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à point. Le Lièvre et la Tor...
258 words 20 2 years Go practice
48 Heureux qui, comme Ulysse
Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage, Ou comme cestuy-là ...
117 words 25 2 years Go practice
47 Demain dès l'aube - Victor Hugo
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai....
111 words 22 2 years Go practice
46 Demain dès l'aube - Victor Hugo
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai....
116 words 7 2 years Go practice
45 Demain dès l'aube - Victor Hugo
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai...
116 words 1 2 years Go practice
44 Demain dès l'aube - Victor Hugo
Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai...
116 words 1 2 years Go practice
43 Demain dès l'aube
Demain, dès l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la campagne, Je part...
116 words 0 2 years Go practice
42 texto 6 ap 2
Camaleão é o nome dado a todos os animais pertencentes à família C...
342 words 5 2 years Go practice
41 texto 5 ap 2
Mona Lisa (“Senhora Lisa”) também conhecida como A Gioconda (em i...
329 words 2 2 years Go practice
40 texto 4 ap 2
Albert Einstein foi um físico teórico alemão posteriormente radicad...
321 words 4 2 years Go practice
39 texto 3 ap 2
Macaco é um termo de origem africana (provavelmente do banto: makako)...
327 words 1 2 years Go practice
38 texto 2 ap 2
O piano (apócope derivado do italiano pianoforte) é um instrumento m...
323 words 5 2 years Go practice
37 texto 1 ap 2
Guitarra clássica - (no Brasil conhecida como violão e em Portugal c...
327 words 3 2 years Go practice
36 Potongan artikel bisnis
Bisnis berarti suatu organisasi yang menjual barang atau jasa kepada k...
262 words 35 2 years Go practice
35 Latihan Pengetikan
Apa yang dimaksud dengan pendidikan? Secara umum, pengertian pendidika...
159 words 75 2 years Go practice
34 texto 10
A Constituição Federal, em seu art. 37, caput, determina que a Admin...
304 words 3 2 years Go practice
33 texto 9
A relação de trabalho denota a existência de todo tipo de trabalho ...
309 words 4 2 years Go practice
32 texto 8
Talvez você já tenha notado isso, mas acontece que o mundo da tecnol...
342 words 1 2 years Go practice
31 texto 7
De acordo com a National Geographic, o calendário maia que supostamen...
349 words 4 2 years Go practice
30 texto 6
Os anos 1960 foram particularmente importantes para as mulheres: a pí...
323 words 1 2 years Go practice
29 texto 5
Na teoria é quando somos jovens que tomamos as decisões que definem ...
345 words 1 2 years Go practice
28 texto 4
Dois pontos muito importantes precisam ser ressaltados sobre o desenvo...
347 words 0 2 years Go practice
27 texto 3
Esta é do fundo do baú! Em 1974 a Hanna-Barbera (a mesma de Os Flint...
346 words 1 2 years Go practice
26 texto 1
A sombra da serpente é um encanto do inicio ao fim. Sempre quando lei...
356 words 1 2 years Go practice
25 texto 1
Bom, o assunto de hoje foi a pedido da minha amiga Ândria Mara que da...
373 words 1 2 years Go practice
24 apostila 4- tx6
Charles John Huffam Dickens (Portsmouth, 7 de Fevereiro de 1812 — 9...
319 words 1 2 years Go practice
23 TEXTO 1
Ao sintonizar qualquer rádio brasileira por volta das 19h, não tem e...
318 words 6 2 years Go practice
22 Minacciati dal cambiamento
Vorrei davvero invitare tutte le banche multilaterali di sviluppo e la...
266 words 21 2 years Go practice
21 XZ Intelligente
Como XZ já é inteligente para usar suas mensagens, chamadas e músic...
254 words 1 2 years Go practice
20 Programação assíncrona 01
Digamos que você está escrevendo um jogo para dispositivo móvel em ...
121 words 14 3 years Go practice
19 Programação assíncrona 00
Se você tiver necessidades vinculadas a E/S (como solicitar dados de ...
122 words 7 3 years Go practice
18 iyisin bilal senden güzel tost olur
iyisin bilal senden güzel tost olur kardeş olunca ona iyi davranıyo...
20 words 48 3 years Go practice
21 words 47 3 years Go practice
16 Pengertian Microsoft Excel
Excel adalah salah satu bagian microsoft office yang paling banyak dig...
302 words 27 3 years Go practice
15 yoww
yoyoyoyoyoy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy yoy oy oy Yoy yoy yoy yo yoy yo yoy oi...
32 words 127 3 years Go practice
14 Psalm 1 - CEV
These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, the son of David. Pr...
442 words 25 3 years Go practice
13 Psalm 1 -2
Blessed is the man[a] who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, no...
126 words 13 3 years Go practice
12 Psalm 1
Blessed is the man[a] who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,...
126 words 5 3 years Go practice
11 1555
Controla tu cuenta, protégela y mantenla segura desde un solo lugar. ...
38 words 21 3 years Go practice
10 ketik cepat
s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ...
350 words 155 3 years Go practice
9 asu
as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as a...
205 words 65 3 years Go practice
8 random my word
aku adalah kamu ingin adalah kami kita maka hadiah hari ini kita adala...
105 words 235 3 years Go practice
7 6 feet
I want everything there is to have don't say I'm wrong I've been thr...
294 words 43 3 years Go practice
6 Nada, Nose
Nada no se nada no se nada no se nada no se Consite en escribirlo sin ...
78 words 42 3 years Go practice
5 mustafa kemal atatürk - en
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was born in a three-storey house in Thessa...
165 words 15 3 years Go practice
4 mustafa kemal atatürk
Selanik'te bulunan üç katlı bir evde dünyaya gelen Mustafa Kemal A...
160 words 30 3 years Go practice
3 Besim Tibuk
1945 yılında Rize'nin Fındıklı kazası Araklı köyünde doğdu. ...
25 words 24 3 years Go practice
2 musicle
i drive everyday as good as mike who developed very good skills to mov...
17 words 500 3 years Go practice
1 besim baba
Once upon a time a crow lived in a forest he was very happy, because h...
111 words 225 3 years Go practice